Johann Sebastian Bach in the Eyes of Johann Mattheson: On the Cantata ‘Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis’, BWV 21
Katarzyna Korpanty
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
This article addresses the appraisal of Johann Sebastian Bach’s music by Johann Mattheson, specifically the commentary on the cantata Ich hatte viel Bekummernis, BWV 21 which that Hamburg-based theorist included in a 1725 issue of his periodical Critica musica. Musicologists disagree as to the interpretation of Mattheson’s words. However, most authors see them as derisive criticism of the cantata. In this article, the author polemicises with that view and analyses Mattheson’s statement in a wider and deeper context.
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Katarzyna KorpantyInstitute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland
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