Motets from the Manuscript of Maciej of Warsaw (BN Rps BOZ 1115). Transcriptions and Commentary


Elżbieta Zwolińska



This article is devoted to four 4-part liturgical compositions preserved along with other entries (such as copies of excerpts from Andreas Ornitoparchus’ treatise Micrologus musicae activae) in a manuscript formerly belonging to the Library of the Zamoyski Entail (now kept at the National Library of Poland in Warsaw, shelf-mark BN Rps BOZ 1115). The manuscript was compiled in the 1530s in Cracow by Maciej of Warsaw. The motets are unattributed, and these are their only known copies (no concordances have been found to date). Research into this repertoire was initiated by Barbara Brzezińska, who published the results in Muzyka in 1988 (the present article refers to some of her ground-breaking findings). No source edition has been prepared of these works, which are known only from descriptions and excerpts in publications. Yet they bear interesting testimony to musical activity during the first half of the sixteenth century. Hence the main part of this article consists of study-based transcriptions, complete with source commentaries. The transcriptions are intended as material for further research and interpretation, while the commentaries include discussion of selected details in Maciej’s copies (visible on the included reproduction), features of the musical structure and style, and a list of corrections made in relation to the source. One of the works seems weaker than the others in terms of composition technique. Its transcription is placed in an appendix, since it may reflect an inadequate reading of the source.



Old Polish music, liturgical music, motet, Library of the Zamoyski Entail, Maciej of Warsaw, transcription

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Cited by

Zwolińska, E. (2023). Motets from the Manuscript of Maciej of Warsaw (BN Rps BOZ 1115). Transcriptions and Commentary. Muzyka, 68(1), 183–224.


Elżbieta Zwolińska 



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