Musical Topics in the Correspondence between Frederick II of Prussia and his Sister Wilhelmine, Margravine von Brandenburg-Bayreuth

Katarzyna Korpanty

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


Frederick II the Great (1712–86) went down in history as an outstanding political and military strategist. Under his rule, Prussia became one of Europe’s greatest powers. He was also a lover of science and the arts, including music. He shared his musical passions with his elder sister Wilhelmine (1709–58). Both learned the harpsichord and the lute, and Frederick also played the flute. They composed music and wrote operatic libretti. After her wedding, Wilhelmine left for Bayreuth (1732), where she engaged in organising cultural life.

Frederick II and Wilhelmine stand out among other European rulers of that period owing to their versatile artistic and scientific interests. They were both patrons of the arts who significantly contributed to musical culture in their respective states. They founded music ensembles, built opera houses and employed eminent musicians. Those who found employment in Berlin include Johann Joachim Quantz, Carl Heinrich Graun, Franz Benda, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Felice Salimbeni and Giovanna Astrua; in Bayreuth – Adam Falckenhagen, Johann Pfeiffer, Giuseppe Antonio Paganelli and Giacomo Zaghini.

Frederick II and Wilhelmine kept up a lively correspondence, which testifies to their shared interest in philosophy, literature, theatre and music. They discussed musical subjects in their letters, exchanged opinions on individual compositions and artists, and sent each other scores (of their own music, as well as pieces by other composers, such as Quantz, Graun and Benda, as well as Johann Adolf Hasse and Christoph Schaffrath). Their musical interests focused on chamber music and opera.


Frederick II the Great, Wilhelmine von Bayreuth, 18th century, chamber music, opera

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Cited by

Korpanty, K. (2021). Musical Topics in the Correspondence between Frederick II of Prussia and his Sister Wilhelmine, Margravine von Brandenburg-Bayreuth. Muzyka, 66(1), 126–147.


Katarzyna Korpanty 

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland


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