The Reception of Eugeniusz Morawski’s Symphonic Poems 'Nevermore' and 'Ulalume' in the Polish Press between 1924 and 1949


I discuss the reception of Eugeniusz Morawski’s two surviving symphonic poems inspired by the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Nevermore and Ulalume. The former was performed in Poland at least nine times in the years 1924–1938, while the latter was presented at least four times between 1925 and 1949. In later years, performances of works by this composer were extremely rare, owing to the poor accessibility of the scores and the composer’s ill repute related to his pre-war conflicts with Karol Szymanowski. In their time, however, both compositions were performed under such leading conductors as Grzegorz Fitelberg, Emil Młynarski, Jascha Horenstein and Walerian Bierdiajew. They attracted much critical interest and earned Morawski a reputation as one of the most interesting active composers. They were praised for their expressive power, brilliant orchestration and uncanny mood, suggestively and vividly conveying the essence of their literary models. The occasional critical remarks concerned their stylistic indebtedness to Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss, and the fact that Morawski had embraced the medium of programme music.


Eugeniusz Morawski, Nevermore, Ulalume, symphonic poem, music reception, 20th-century music, Polish music

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Cited by

Łapeta, O. (2020). The Reception of Eugeniusz Morawski’s Symphonic Poems ’Nevermore’ and ’Ulalume’ in the Polish Press between 1924 and 1949. Muzyka, 65(4), 105–127.


Oskar Łapeta 



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