The Gdańsk version of the 15th-century polyphonic song 'Ihesus Christus nostra salus', and the Central European connection of that copy
Paweł Gancarczyk
Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
Kamil Watkowski
Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
There are four known sources of polyphonic music that may be associated with the State of the Teutonic Order from before the Peace of Thorn (1466). One of them, a two-part setting of the cantio Ihesus Christus nostra salus, has not been the subject of a detailed commentary to date. This work, rather carelessly copied into manuscript 2013 from the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN Biblioteka Gdańska: PL-GD 2013), is written in simple counterpoint. Features of the notation make it possible to date this piece to the second quarter of the fifteenth century. It is based on the melody and text known from its oldest source (CZ-VB 42, ‘Hohenfurther Liederhandschrift’), from 1410, but the technique employed for its polyphonic setting differs from those previously known to us. The Gdańsk version of Ihesus Christus nostra salus, along with the manuscripts PL-GD 2153a and PL-GD 2315, points to the Central European connections of polyphony as practised in fifteenth-century Prussia and suggests links to Czech musical culture.
Gdańsk, polyphonic music, 15th century, Ihesus Christus nostra salusReferences
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Paweł GancarczykInstitute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences Poland
Kamil WatkowskiInstitute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences Poland
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