A song to the Holy Virgin Mary of Podkamień ‘Najświętsza niebios i ziemi królowa’ [The Holiest Queen of Heaven and Earth] by Stanisław Ledóchowski, printed as ‘Inscriptiones Sancti Montis Sacratissimi Rosarii’ (Lviv 1724)


Oksana Shkurgan

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


The two copies of the print Inscriptiones Sancti Montis Sacratissimi Rosarii (Lviv 1724) preserved in Polish collections have made it possible to confirm the authorship of Stanisław Ledóchowski of the Szaława coat of arms (around 1666–1725), Marshall General of the Tarnogród Confederation, Voivode of Volhynia (since 26 March 1724), with respect to a song dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary of Podkamień, titled Najświętsza niebios i ziemi królowa [The Holiest Queen of Heaven and Earth]. The text (consisting of 11 stanzas), preserved in a source printed in Lviv, was supposed to be sung to the melody of the Marian song Bądź pozdrowiona Panienko Marya [Hail, Holy Virgin]. A quarter of a century later, the text of the song discussed here, dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary of Podkamień, was published anonymously in an edition titled Pieśni o Nayświętszey Maryi Pannie [Songs about the Holy Virgin Mary] (Lviv 1752). in this edition, one of the six songs performed in worship of the effigy of the Holy Virgin Mary in Podkamień, crowned in the local dominican convent on 15 August 1727, was also the Song XXX of anonymous authorship, which is attributed to Ledóchowski in the literature on the subject. The problem of the authorship of this Ukrainian song calls for further research.


Cited by

Shkurgan, O. (2024). A song to the Holy Virgin Mary of Podkamień ‘Najświętsza niebios i ziemi królowa’ [The Holiest Queen of Heaven and Earth] by Stanisław Ledóchowski, printed as ‘Inscriptiones Sancti Montis Sacratissimi Rosarii’ (Lviv 1724). Muzyka, 62(3), 111–118. https://doi.org/10.36744/m.3928


Oksana Shkurgan 

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland


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