Towards a Biographical Study of S.S. Szarzyński


Kamil Stepan

Kraków (Poland)


Towards a Biographical Study of S.S. Szarzyński. This article presents the results of preliminary research into Szymon Sylwester Szarzyński (d. between 1720 and 1727), a doctor of theology who was a secretary and later prior of St Adalbert’s Benedictine Abbey in Płock in the late seventeenth century. The paper examines the possibility
of this figure being identical with that of Stanisław Sylwester Szarzyński – a composer active in that period about whom no biographical information has come to light.


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Cited by

Stepan, K. (2024). Towards a Biographical Study of S.S. Szarzyński. Muzyka, 69(3), 86–101.


Kamil Stepan 

Kraków Poland


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