Bernard Piotrowski, 'Edvard Grieg. Życie – fascynacje – dramaty', Poznań 2010; Agnieszka Dybowska-Błoch, 'Edvard Grieg. Życie i Twórczość 1843–1907', Toruń 2019

Dagmara Łopatowska-Romsvik

Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Poland)


The subject of the review text are two monographic publications devoted to Edvard Grieg: Bernard Piotrowski's Edvard Grieg. Życie – Fascynacje – Dramaty [Edvard Grieg. Life - Fascinations - Dramas] and Agnieszka Dybowska-Błoch's Edvard Grieg. Życie i twórczość 1843–1907 [Edvard Grieg. Life and work 1843–1907]. These are the only Grieg's publications of this type in Polish. They were written not by musicologists, but by Scandinavian philologists. Due to the popularity of the music of the Norwegian artist in Poland, and thus the wide range of these publications, I considered it necessary to evaluate them in a multi-faceted way. The simultaneous discussion of two items concerning the same artist allows for a comparison of different ways of presenting the artist's figure and output. The value of these books for a wide audience as well as for people particularly interested in music and musicologists is considered.


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Cited by

Łopatowska-Romsvik, D. (2023). Bernard Piotrowski, ’Edvard Grieg. Życie – fascynacje – dramaty’, Poznań 2010; Agnieszka Dybowska-Błoch, ’Edvard Grieg. Życie i Twórczość 1843–1907’, Toruń 2019. Muzyka, 67(4), 183–191.


Dagmara Łopatowska-Romsvik 

Jagiellonian University, Kraków Poland


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