New Information Concerning Composers of Symphonies in Poland around the Turn of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries


Kamil Stepan

Kraków (Poland)


This text presents new information concerning seven Polish composers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries whose oeuvre included symphonies. The information primarily comes from registers kept in various (diocesan and parish) church archives, as well as state archives and other collections. The sources provide specific dates and place names in relation to composers whose biographies have remained unknown to date and supplement biographies already partially familiar. Apart from new biographical information, the paper also mentions previously unknown music manuscripts containing works by some of these composers.


symphony, church ensemble, biography, Wojciech Dankowski, Jan Korsak, Franciszek Lessel, Wincenty Lessel, Franciszek Matuszkiewicz, Aleksander Rodowski, Jan Kanty Wygrzywalski, Józef Wygrzywalski, Henryk Opieński

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Cited by

Stepan, K. (2025). New Information Concerning Composers of Symphonies in Poland around the Turn of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Muzyka, 70(1), 103–120.


Kamil Stepan 

Kraków Poland


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