Chopin in the Context of the Intellectual Climate of Italian Risorgimento


Silvia Bruni

Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Poland)


The political and social context of the intellectual climate in the Italian Peninsula in the first seven decades of the 19th century led to the rise of an autonomous type of Romanticism in Europe, some of whose aspects significantly diverged from both the French and German concepts of music. The author examines what factors decided about the in-depth understanding of Chopin’s works, their artistic value and historical significance, among the Italian audience, within the cultural mosaic of a country struggling for independence and unification.


Frederic Chopin, reception, music aesthetics, Risorgimento, Giuseppe Torelli

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Cited by

Bruni, S. (2024). Chopin in the Context of the Intellectual Climate of Italian Risorgimento. Muzyka, 69(1), 63–84.


Silvia Bruni 

Jagiellonian University, Kraków Poland


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