The Discovery at Poznań University Library of Missing Parts for Four Vocal Pieces by Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki and Three Others Attributed to Him

Magdalena Walter-Mazur

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)


The research recounted in this paper was triggered by the discovery, among the music manuscripts held at Poznań University Library, of missing parts from four vocal works by Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki (Tota pulchra es Maria, Regina caeli laetare I, Sancte Deus, sancte fortis, Laetare Ierusalem) and three others attributed to him (Ave Filia Dei Patris, Haec dies, quam fecit, Magnificet Te Domine). The manuscript under study (MS 7641), consisting of nine folios containing fragments of Canto and Alto partbooks, turned out to belong to the so-called ‘Rorantists’ books’, that is, a manuscript now bearing the shelf mark Kk.I.7 which in 1982 was returned to the Archives of Kraków Cathedral Chapter, having previously been held in the Provincial State Archive in Kraków. The folios discovered in Poznań had probably become separated from the Kraków manuscript by the 1880s, since Józef Surzyński notes in Monumenta Musices Sacrae in Polonia (vol. 2, 1887) that the Alto part was missing from some sources of Gorczycki’s works. Manuscript 7641 was transported (probably with other music sources formerly belonging to the Rorantists’ chapel, borrowed by Adolf Chybiński in the early twentieth century) from Kraków to Lviv and back, and later to Poznań. There it was accidentally separated from the rest of the Kraków collection, with the result that it was not returned to Kraków Cathedral Chapter in 1983. The discovery of a source for the missing parts makes it possible to look at Gorczycki’s vocal works from a new perspective, with regard to both his reconstructed works and those that have been published in incomplete form. Possible questions concern the relationship between Pękalski’s copy and the original and whether Gorczycki’s contrapuntal style was really as ‘Palestrinian’ as Surzyński suggests. The present paper is only a modest prolegomenon to the study of these issues.


Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki, Józef Surzyński, Adolf Chybiński, eighteenth-century Polish music, the ‘Rorate’ manuscripts, Poznań University Library, Palestrina style, Baroque a cappella music

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Cited by

Walter-Mazur, M. (2023). The Discovery at Poznań University Library of Missing Parts for Four Vocal Pieces by Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki and Three Others Attributed to Him . Muzyka, 68(3), 23–49.


Magdalena Walter-Mazur 

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Poland


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