Antonina Campi. Notes for a Biography

Barbara Chmara-Żaczkiewicz



This report concerns several little-known facts from the life of the singer Antonina Campi, who lived around the turn of the nineteenth century, the daughter of one Miklaszewicz, a conductor and violinist with the orchestra of Lublin Cathedral. Having launched her career in Warsaw, Campi soon began to perform in Prague and Vienna, where she was invited by the eminent and influential theatre expert and director Emanuel Schikaneder to participate in the inauguration of the Theater an der Wien. From that time on, she became one of the greatest prime donne of her age, admired in the capital of Austria-Hungary as well as in other European centres.


Antonina Campi, Opera in Vienna, female singers of 19th century

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Cited by

Chmara-Żaczkiewicz, B. (2022). Antonina Campi. Notes for a Biography. Muzyka, 67(1), 143–150.


Barbara Chmara-Żaczkiewicz 



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