A Revival of an Ancient Ritual? Alilujki of the Węgajty Theatre


Magdalena Hasiuk

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


The artistic vision of the Węgajty Village Theatre was influenced substantially by the writings of Stanisław Vincenz. With such inspiration, the theatre practitioners began their carolling and, through this practice, became acquainted with the Easter carolling ritual that used to be practiced near Suwałki, i.e. the alilujki (Hallelujahs). They were instructed on how to Easter carol (chodzić po aliluji or chodzić po wołoczebnem) by the elders of Dziadówek village. Appropriating the custom for themselves, they have kept its three-part structure, but the final part is changed. As practiced by Węgajty performers, their repeated processions from house to house to wish the inhabitants happy Easter and play them some music has transformed into a theatrical performance open to all villagers and guests (instead of concluding with a feast for the carollers). The Alilujki of the Węgajty Theatre is not a revival of an ancient ritual. It is not theatre per se either, even though each element of the Alilujki can be matched with some theatrical form or topos (theatrum mundi, Theatre of the Oppressed, commedia dell’arte). Only the last part of the whole structure can be designated as theatre, which ends with joint merrymaking and dancing. The Węgajty Alilujki constitutes a phenomenon situated between theatre and ritual. The dialogue of the two areas is mutually enriching and invigorating. Without the theatre, the ritual would die. Without the ritual, the theatre would never have reached the places it has reached.


Polish folk culture, folk rituals, Węgajty Theatre, theatre and ritual

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Cited by

Hasiuk, M. (2016) “A Revival of an Ancient Ritual? Alilujki of the Węgajty Theatre”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 65(1/2), pp. 261–284. doi: 10.36744/pt.1973.


Magdalena Hasiuk 

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

Graduate of the University of Lodz (theater studies, college of foreign languages). D. in Humanities (University of Lodz) based on the thesis "Drama in Ariane Mnouchkine's Theatrical Laboratory". (supervisor: Kazimierz Kowalewicz, PhD). Scholarship holder of the Government of the French Republic (2004). Since 2012 she has worked at the Department of History and Theory of Theatre in Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences.


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