Berghof on the Operatic Stage. Adaptive Strategies in Paweł Mykietyn’s 'The Magic Mountain' to a Libretto by Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk
Magdalena Nowicka-Ciecierska
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)
This article explores how Thomas Mann’s novel The Magic Mountain was adapted for Paweł Mykietyn’s opera to a libretto by Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk. Since a libretto’s primary function is to convey content, most attention has been devoted to that aspect of the opera, but the musical elements which complement the verbal content in a significant manner are also pointed out. Written in metaphorical language, the opera’s text is based on short, condensed scenes of a fragmentary nature, which is evident in allusions to the novel filtered through the librettist’s vision.
One characteristic element of this libretto consists of questions that form the basis for the dialogues between the protagonists. The text represents a striking reduction of Mann’s novel, which served merely as a source of inspiration. The authors of the concept behind the libretto (Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk and Andrzej Chyra) were motivated by a desire to expand some of the themes not developed in Mann’s original, and thus to create an apocryphal version of the novel, bringing out elements which remained unclear, but without the need to strictly represent the course of the narrative. By bringing existential problems to the fore, the librettists shifted the focus and centre of gravity to the protagonists’ feelings and emotional states, while the political and social strands present in Mann’s novel were passed over entirely.
According to Eugenio Spedicato’s typology of intermedial translation, the librettists applied, apart from a reduction of the novel, such techniques as condensation, diffusion and amplification. Despite the radical reduction of the one-thousand-page novel to a poetical text of about thirty pages, the libretto also preserves some degree of ‘sameness’ by transplanting the novel’s main characters to the opera, and retaining the main axis of the plot and the relations between its protagonists. Elements of operatic amplification include the character of the American woman, the symbolic figure of death in the form of an anaconda, the expanded love scenes, and references to the codes of contemporary pop culture. The composer’s modern approach to writing an opera made the work more illustrative, not only on the musical level; concrete sounds also largely supplement the text of the libretto. Those two layers are essential bearers of content.
The Magic Mountain, Paweł Mykietyn, Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk, Thomas Mann, opera, adaptation, librettoReferences
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Magdalena Nowicka-CiecierskaAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Poland
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