On Oriental Motifs in the Architecture of the Malbork Castle, or, a Return of an Old Hypothesis
The northern gate of the High Castle in Malbork, which is its main entrance, is decorated with arcades with ogee arches. Erected in the first phase of construction, it dates from around 1280. Malbork’s ogee arches are thus among the earliest to be found in Europe; in the Middle East, however, these forms had been known since the early Middle Ages. Considering that early Western European works featuring ogee arches carried symbolism related to the Orient or Jerusalem, it may be assumed that the fact that this form of a portal was used in Malbork may have had the nature of an ideological declaration. In this portal, the first seat of the Teutonic Order and its Holy Land origins were recalled in the language of architecture.
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Jarosław Jarzewiczjarzewic@amu.edu.pl
Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań Poland
Jarosław Jarzewicz, art historian, medievalist, employed at the Institute of Art History of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His main research interests include art of the Middle Ages and art of the late 18th and early 19th century. He received his doctoral degree in 1992 based on the dissertation Architektura Nowej Marchii w okresie Askańczyków i Wittelsbachów [Architecture of the New March under the Ascanians and Wittlesbachs]. His habilitation degree was granted in 2006 based on the dissertation Świątynia pamięci. O kościele-mauzoleum Raczyńskich w Rogalinie [A Temple of Memory. On the Raczyński Family’s Mausoleum Church in Rogalin]. He received the title of the Professor in the Humanities in 2021.
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