Zapraszamy do obejrzenia filmu prezentującego kwartalnik muzykologiczny „Muzyka”, w którym występują nasi redaktorzy i zagraniczni członkowie Rady Redakcyjnej (prof. Karol Berger i dr Lenka Hlávková). Muzyka w wykonaniu zespołów Bastarda i La Morra oraz Coriny Marti. 

MUSIC IN COLLECTIONS – an online meeting about the latest issue of the quarterly "Muzyka" (2024, No. 2)


On September 19th (Thursday) at 4:30 PM, a meeting will be held around the latest issue of "Muzyka", featuring the authors, editorial team, and guests. The event will focus on presenting the contents of the quarterly and discussing the published articles (in Polish and English). It will be an opportunity to address selected issues in music research, including musical collections, and to exchange insights and experiences. The issue was published at the end of June and is available online.

The link for the meeting (MS Teams): here.

Ludwik Bielawski (1929-2024)


With great sadness, we announce the passing of Professor Ludwik Bielawski, a member of the Academic Advisory Board and a contributor to our journal. Professor Bielawski was an ethnomusicologist and anthropologist of music who had been associated with the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences for nearly seven decades.

"Muzyka" 2024 No. 3 in preparation


The 2024/3 issue will contain texts on various aspects of music history from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Authors: Paweł Figurski, Paweł Gancarczyk, Krzysztof Guczalski, Tomasz Górny, Łukasz Kaczmarowski, Wioleta Muras, Kateryna Schöning, Zbigniew Skowron, Michał Sołtysik, Kamil Stepan, Marcin Trzęsiok. “Muzyka” 2024/3 will be published at the end September 2023.

“Muzyka” 2024 No. 2 published


The issue 2024/2 contains texts dedicated to music collections and other aspects of music history from early modern times to the present day. Authors: Antonio Chemotti, Jolanta Guzy-Pasiak, Grzegorz Joachimiak, Agnieszka Leszczyńska, Grantley McDonald, Monika Pasiecznik, Małgorzata Sieradz, Emina Smailbegović, Lisa Cooper Vest, Elżbieta Zwolińska. The paper version of the issue can be purchased in selected Empik stores and on The online version is available here.

Lenka Hlávková (1974-2023)


It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden death of Dr Lenka Hlávková, a member of the Academic Advisory Board and author of our journal. Dr Hlávková was director of the Institute of Musicology at Charles University in Prague. She specialised in the history of music of the 15th and 16th centuries. She was shot during the tragic events at the Department of Philosophy CU. We express our condolences to her family, friends and the academic community of Charles University.

We bid farewell to Lenka Hlávková with a short video prepared by the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Invitation to submit books for review


We invite all publishers of musicological works (monographs, collection of essays, critical editions) to send their publications to the editorial office. The most interesting of them will be reviewed in the journal. All received books are recorded in the section "Publications received" with a short note about their content.