The Form, the “Subject Matter”, the Gestalt. Max Imdahl and Erwin Panofsky
Wojciech Bałus University in Kraków (Poland)
Max Imdahl was of the opinion that in the iconological method, Erwin Panofsky had not given due attention to the problem of artistic form. Panofsky indeed failed to recognise the “iconic” level of an artwork; but he sought to justify the inseparability of form and subject matter in order to prove that iconographic research was an inalienable part of art history. This inseparability also characterised iconographic types, defined by the term Gestalt. A strict correspondence of all elements made the correct perception of the work possible, since it triggered the “symbolic pregnancy”, a mode of cognition described by the Gestalt psychology and Ernst Cassirer.
Erwin Panofsky, Max Imdahl, Ernst Cassirer, iconology, Ikonik, Gestalt psychologyReferences
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Wojciech Bał
Jagiellonian University in Kraków Poland
Wojciech Bałus (b. 1961) is an art historian, a professor at the Institute of Art History of the Jagiellonian University. His research interests focus on the theory and history of art between the nineteenth and twenty first centuries, as well as on the relationship between art and philosophy, cultural anthropology, and literary studies. Within the Corpus Vitrearum International he conducts research on Polish stained glass art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; he serves as the Chairman of the Polish National Committee of Corpus Vitrearum International. He is a regular member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, and member of the AICA.
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