Against the Light. Some Notes on the Sources of the Hermeneutics of the Image
Ryszard Kasperowicz of Art History, University of Warsaw (Poland)
The text constitutes an attempt to look at the potential sources from which originates the hermeneutics of the image, one of the most important methodological proposals in contemporary art history, or even within the broadly understood science of the image. In addition to certain traditions in the study of art, the hermeneutics of the image referred, in a more or less overt manner, to various philosophical concepts from within the philosophy of art, taking them as the foundation for, among others, its distinctive concept of the ontology of an artwork, the ways of recognising and describing it, as well as the aims of interpreting and elucidating the image. The article also draws attention to the paradoxical fact of the hermeneutic philosophy of the image being rooted in the currents of Romantic art theory but simultaneously displaying a critical approach to the Romantic legacy.
iconology, criticism of iconology, image, hermeneutics of the image, “strong images”, ontology of the image, “indistinguishability”, Romanticism, art theory, Konrad Fiedler, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelReferences
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Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw Poland
Ryszard Kasperowicz is a historian of art, an employee of the Institute of Art History at the University of Warsaw (Chair of Art Theory). His research interests include the history of research in art history, as well as issues in the aesthetics and art theory of the 18th and 19th century. He published, among others, the studies Berenson i mistrzowie odrodzenia. Przyczynek do postawy estetycznej Bernarda Berensona [Berenson and the Masters of the Renaissance. A Contribution to the Aesthetic Stance of Bernard Berenson] (2001), Zweite, ideale Schöpfung. Sztuka w myśleniu historycznym Jacoba Burckhardta [Zweite, ideale Schöpfung. Art in the Historical Thinking of Jacob Burckhardt] (2004), Figury zbawienia? Idea „religii sztuki” w wybranych koncepcjach artystycznych XIX stulecia [Figures of Salvation? The Concept of the “Religion of Art” in Chosen Theories of Art in the 19th Century] (2010), as well as translations and critical editions of texts by Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Jacob Burckhardt, Alois Riegl and Aby Warburg. His recent publications are: Aby Warburg, Od Florencji do Nowego Meksyku. Pisma z historii sztuki i kultury [From Florence to New Mexico. Writings in the History of Art and Culture] (2019) and Aby Warburg. Panorama recepcji [Aby Warburg. The Panorama of Reception] (2020).
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