Concentrated Vision, Perception, Epopteia
On the Scholarly Output of Wiesław Juszczak
Ryszard Kasperowicz Historii Sztuki UW (Poland)
The scholarly output of Wiesław Juszczak (1932–2021) is very diverse with regard to both the range of topics and the conceptual approaches to particular issues; yet it is possible to discern in it certain permanent themes, a desire to revisit fundamental problems, such as the role of the imagination in historical cognition and artistic creativity, the origins of art and of its cognitive pursuits, or the significance of the relationship between the word and the image (in ecphrasis, in art criticism). Those issues he approached sometimes in articles of a methodological nature, sometimes in incomparable interpretations of particular artworks and artists, and sometimes – with time, increasingly frequently – in essayistic texts that had the quality of philosophical deliberations. Wiesław Juszczak’s scholarly achievements allow us to see him as a historian and at the same time a philosopher of art, endowed with an originality of thought and a masterful form of its expression, an exceptional authority on the art of European Romanticism and Symbolism, a tireless hunter for the beginnings of artistic creation in the culture of archaic Greece, and a humanist worthy of this name in the highest degree.
Wiesław Juszczak (1932–2021), art theory, methodology of art history, dilemmas of historical cognition, interpretation of the past, imagination, ecphrasis, myth, origins of artistic creativity, Romanticism, post-Impressionism, ModernismReferences
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