The Up-teka of Victtoria Plaza

Towards the Pharmakon of the Painting

Artykuł recenzowany

Szymon Wróbel
Wydział Artes Liberales UW i IFiS PAN (Poland)


The article is an attempt to reflect on the original exhibition, which took place in July and August 2023, by the Kalisz artist Joanna Dudek, entitled You can Love. In the text, I try to reflect on the phenomenon of love itself, and what the title of the exhibition, i.e. our ability or inability to love, may mean. I put forward the thesis, inspired by the analyses of Jacques Derrida, that love is a pharmacon, i.e. both medicine and poison. I also reflect on the idea of ​​the pharmacy and the avalanche of prescriptions, the excess of pharmacology necessary for the life of every body today. Following the thought of Giorgio Agamben, I claim that You can Love is a reaction to a new sphere of worship, which is covered with “pharmaceutical technology”. Medicine today, in the West, has become a new religion, and medical mythology is the last great mythology. Victoria Plaza’s You can Love is an exhibition of the times of the “extended body”, the era of transhumanism, the pharma-pornography industry and the belief in the possibility of a scientifically conditioned super-humanity. Victoria Plaza’s only hope is that she does not free herself from affects by referring to the pharmacy and medicine, but rather “releases affects” for their better circulation in the body and the world. Up-teka is a kind of counter-pharmacy. For Joanna Dudek, love is the movement and expansion of energy, the activation of a forgotten ability. Victoria Plaza thinks about the existence of love as a field of impact, the impact of mannerist matter, the multitude of unexpected mixtures and compounds. Love is confusion.


affects, pharmacy, pharmacon

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Cited by

Wróbel, S. (2025) “ The Up-teka of Victtoria Plaza: Towards the Pharmakon of the Painting”, Konteksty, 347(4), pp. 30–41. doi: 10.36744/k.3598.


Szymon Wróbel
Wydział Artes Liberales UW i IFiS PAN Poland

Szymon Wróbel – profesor filozofii na Wydziale Artes Liberales Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz w IFiS PAN. Jest autorem licznych książek i artykułów publikowanych w czasopismach naukowych, ostatnia to Filozof i terytorium poświęcona Warszawskiej Szkole Historyków Idei (2016). Pod jego redakcją, przy współpracy Krzysztofa Skoniecznego, ukazały się po angielsku dwie książki: Atheism Revisited: Rethinking Modernity and Inventing New Modes of Life (2020) oraz Living and Thinking in the Post-Digital World (2021). Obecnie jest kierownikiem Laboratorium Techno-Humanistyki na Wydziale Artes Liberales, gdzie od kilku lat realizuje projekt Technology and Socialization – Techno-Humanities Lab Research Project.


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