
Piotr Krasny
Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University Poland (Poland)

Michał Kurzej

Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University Poland (Poland)


Cited by

Krasny, P., & Kurzej, M. (2024). Rectification. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 86(3). Retrieved from


Piotr Krasny
Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University Poland Poland

Piotr Krasny (b. 1966) is a professor of the Jagiellonian University, awarded with the “Plus Ratio” medal. Author of numerous studies on early modern and 19th-century art. He is also interested in early modern art theory, especially Reformation and Counter-Reformation theories concerning religious art. He has published several books analysing the views of major Catholic and Protestant theorists and theologians on the role of religious art. In cooperation with Michał Kurzej, he has prepared the Polish language edition of the Milan Instructions on the church buildings and furnishings.


Michał Kurzej 

Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University Poland Poland

Michał Kurzej (b. 1981) is an adjunct professor at the Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University. He specialises in 17th-century art, art theory and architecture. He is involved in inventorying historical monuments and writes mainly about early modern art in Cracow and Lesser Poland. He has published a number of studies on stucco decorations, among others, Jan Wolff. Monografia architekta w świetle analizy prefabrykowanych elementów dekoracji sztukatorskich [Jan Wolff. Monograph of the Architect in the Light of an Analysis of the Prefabricated Elements of Stuco Decorations] (2009), Siedemnastowieczne sztukaterie w Małopolsce [Seventheen Century Stucco Deocrations in Lesser Poland] (2012). He is also interested in art theory and artistic patronage. e.g. Depingere fas est. Sebastian Piskorski jako konceptor i prowizor [Depingere fas est. Sebastian Piskorski as Conceptor and Provisor] (2018).


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