The Utopianism of Crisis

non peer-reviewed article

Andrzej Turowski
Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (France)


The subject of the author’s interest in this article is the history of research into modern art in Poland, which began with the study of the Constructivist group Blok. The author considers how reflection on the history and artistic programme of the artists associated with this group led to broader research on the avant-garde and its utopias, as well as caused the boundaries of artistic Modernism to be defined. From this point of view, he reviews the paths of future research that alternative art history can pursue on this ground.


modern art, Blok of Cubists, Suprematists, and Constructivists, utopia, avant-garde, Constructivism, abstraction, Modernism, crisis, war

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Cited by

Turowski, A. (2024). The Utopianism of Crisis. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 86(3), 9–18.


Andrzej Turowski
Université de Bourgogne, Dijon France

Prof. Andrzej Turowski PhD (habil.) is a historian of art and art critic, professor emeritus of  contemporary Art History at the University of Burgundy in Dijon in France. Until 1983 he lectured in Modern Art History at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. As an art critic, throughout the 1970s decade he cooperated with Galeria Foksal in Warsaw. His research interests focus chiefly on the history and ideology of the avant-garde in Central Europe, in Poland and Russia, and in France, over the 20th and 21st century. He is the author of a few hundred scholarly studies and critical papers published in many languages, as well as several books. He has curated large-scale international exhibitions of avant-garde art in Europe or co-operated in their organisation. Since 1984 he has lived in worked in Paris.


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