Sculptures Floating in Space

peer-reviewed article

Janusz Zagrodzki
The Leon Schiller Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź (Poland)


The significance of the oeuvre of Katarzyna Kobro (1898–1951) becomes fully clear when a precise analysis of the structure of her few sculptures, in which a union with space always played the most important role, is taken as the author’s main message. Aiming to express the inner harmony of shapes, Kobro invoked the Pythagorean doctrine, according to which simple numbers and their interrelations are contained in the structure of living organisms, and the most natural proportion is the “golden ratio”. She chose the 5:8 ratio, which became an inviolable principle for the composition of her works. Each sculpture was prepared to interact freely with space. The model of condensation of form proposed by Kobro, contained within the area of a cube or a cuboid all of whose elements were slabs of colour, could be placed in any arrangement: vertically, horizontally or sideways. Kobro’s sculptures resisted the tendency to turn them into stationary architectural compositions; they sought to subjugate open space. The ideal solution for Kobro’s Spatial Compositions to exert a full impact would be a state of weightlessness; this would ultimately create suitable conditions for the creation of an art of aerial “fusion of music and sculpture”, a “completely new – Cosmic Art”.


Katarzyna Kobro, sculpture of aerial, cosmic art

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Cited by

Zagrodzki, J. (2024). Sculptures Floating in Space. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 86(3), 99–116.


Janusz Zagrodzki
The Leon Schiller Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź Poland

Janusz Zagrodzki is a theoretician of art, a creator of exhibitions, films on art and an independent art movement, graduate of the Department of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (1966), a doctor of Humanistic Sciences of the Jagiellonian University (1979), a professor at the Film School in Łódź (2000), a curator at the Museum of Art in Łódź (1966–1987), a curator and deputy director for Modern Art at the National Museum in Warsaw (1987–1995), founder of independent authorial galleries Ślad and Ślad II (1978–1987). He has authored a numer of publications on Polish avant-garde and modern art, including Katarzyna Kobro i kompozycja przestrzeni (1984), Henryk Stażewski w kręgu awangardy (2000), Stefan Gierowski (2005), Wojciech Bruszewski. Fenomeny percepcji (2010), Władysław Strzemiński. Obrazy słów (2014), Artyści niepokorni. Sztuka nowoczesna XX wieku w przemysłowej Łodzi (2017, 2021), Katarzyna Kobro. Problem grawitacji / Sculpture in Space (2019), Konfrontacje i Argumenty. Sztuka nowoczesna według założeń Galerii Krzywe Koło (2021).


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