Jerzy Szymonowicz and Jan Reisner in Rome. Toppling the myths
Mirosława Sobczyńska-Szczepańska
mirka@romanica.gliwice.plUniversity of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)
Konrad Pyzel
Polish History Museum (Poland)
The article discusses the first stage in the artistic and social careers of Jerzy Szymonowicz and Jan Reisner, connected with their education in the milieu of the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. On the basis of archival materials, held in the Accademia di San Luca Archive and until now unknown or not used to the full extent, the authors describe the circumstances of the Academy’s competitions in which both artists received first prizes. Owing to the delineation of a broad background linked with the operation of this institution and the principles effective therein, it proved possible to objectively assess the importance of Szymonowicz and Reisner’s achievements, which were erroneously interpreted and overvalued in earlier specialist literature.
Jerzy Szymonowicz Eleuter Siemiginowski, Jan Reisner, Accademia di San LucaReferences
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Mirosława Sobczyńska-Szczepań
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
Mirosława Sobczyńska-Szczepańska is an art historian with a focus on the early-modern art of Central and Eastern Europe, especially architecture and monumental painting. She received a MA in Art History and Spanish Philology from the University of Wroclaw. She has also a BA in Italian Philology from the University of Silesia in Katowice. She completed her PhD in Art Studies at the University of Wroclaw. She in an associate professor at the Institute of Art Studies of the University of Silesia in Katowice.
Konrad PyzelPolish History Museum Poland
Konrad Pyzel is an art historian and sociologist, an employee of the Polish History Museum (since 2021) and previously at the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów (in 2008–2021). His main fields of interest include Baroque painting ca. 1700, artists active at the court of King John III Sobieski, and social advancement of 17th/18st c. painters with special focus on Jerzy Szymonowicz Eleuter Siemiginowski and Jan Reisner.
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