Authorship and Designs of the Jesuit Church (Currently Parish Collegiate Church) in Poznan

Andrzej Kusztelski

Warsaw, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


The complex history of the raising of the old Jesuit Church in Poznan is discussed. Despite the research into that important piece of architecture continued since the 1920s and 30s, the identification of respective stages of the raising of the Church and the authorship of the genuine design have remained debatable. The paper’s goal is a critical analysis of the first design of the Jesuit Church in Poznan and its authorship, as well as of the later designs of the Church and their authors. The Church’s first design may have been a ‘model’ one, worked out in Rome, whose modifications and adaptation to the local conditions were conducted by the famous Cracow mason Tomasso Poncino; the latter, most likely owing to the mistakes made when the foundations were laid, was banned from continuing the works, and replaced by the Order’s mason Wojciech Przybyłkowicz who ran the raising of the Church. An essential turn in the history of the Jesuit fabrica ecclesiae occurred when Bartłomiej Nataniel Wąsowski became Vice-chancellor of the Poznan College; apt at maths, a theoretician of architecture, he had his avant-garde designs based on the studies of Rome’s architecture implemented by the mason Wojciech Abramowicz. Having become the prefect of the fabrica ecclesiae, after Wąsowski’s death (d. 1687), he independently managed the construction works. Its final shape was given to the Jesuit Church by Jan Catenazzi. The testimony to the changes occurring in the course of the almost 80-years’ construction process is found in designs preserved in the National Library in Paris and in the Archives of the Society of Jesus in Rome.


Jesuit Church in Poznan, Jesuit architecture in Poland, Tomasso Poncino, Jan Catenazzi, Wojciech Przybyłkowicz, Wojciech Abramowicz, Bartłomiej Nataniel Wąsowski

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Cited by

Kusztelski, A. (2021). Authorship and Designs of the Jesuit Church (Currently Parish Collegiate Church) in Poznan. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 83(4), 859–881.


Andrzej Kusztelski 

Warsaw, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences Poland


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