Non-Italian landscapes of Italy

About Luigi Ghirri's look

Aleksandra Sołtysik


Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri (1949-1992), had a unique approach to space and landscape, which was reflected in his works. In this article, the author tries to trace the implementation of this idea on the example of several photographs of the Italian province. The interpretative key to reading Ghirri's photographs, as well as the image of provincial areas in northern Italy emerging from them, is the juxtaposition of the popular postcard image of Italy with the emptiness of the non-places discovered by the photographer.


Italy, Luigi Ghirri, anthropology, photography, non-place, image

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Cited by

Sołtysik, A. (2024) “Non-Italian landscapes of Italy: About Luigi Ghirri’s look”, Konteksty, 342(3), pp. 181–186. doi: 10.36744/k.2192.


Aleksandra Sołtysik

Aleksandra Sołtysik – absolwentka Instytutu Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Katedry Edytorstwa tejże uczelni oraz krakowskiej Akademii Fotografii. Autorka prac magisterskich Post-protest. Fotografia jako medium protestu oraz Listy Witolda Rożena (Józefa Janina) do Oficyny Poetów i Malarzy (1977–1985). Za pierwszą pracę otrzymała wyróżnienie w konkursie im. Zofii Sokolewicz w  kategorii najlepsza praca magisterska z  zakresu etnologii i antropologii społeczno-kulturowej. Prywatnie praktykująca pasjonatka fotografii.


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