Nieznane-zaginione i zapomniane rzeźby gotyckie z Wielkopolski

Adam Socko

Poznań, Instytut Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland)


War losses in Gothic sculpture in Greater Poland are discussed. Two collections of old photographs the Author gained access to in 2013 are analysed. One of them documents historic sculptures from different regions in Poland, however mainly from the country’s north. The second collection is predominantly a testimony to Gothic sculptures from Greater Poland from before WW II. In both sets 20 presentations of lost or irretrievably damaged, yet previously unknown in their appearance, Gothic sculptures have found and identified. The first collection of photographs was amassed immediately following WW II by Aleksandra Świechowska, while the latter was created by Alfred Brosig (d. 1940) who himself photographed the historic pieces. The controversy over taking photos of historic monuments, which took place in 1936 in the course of the exhibition Greater Poland’s Gothic Fine Arts between its authors: Poznan University students, and Alfred Brosig documenting the historic art pieces brought for the exhibition is discussed. That was the occasion when the most precious segment of Brosig’s collection was created. Both sets of photographs are of high documentary value, and the circumstances of their discovering are described.

Supporting Agencies

Institute of Art History of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Gothic sculpture, Greater Poland, war losses, archival photos, lost sculptures

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Cited by

Socko, A. (2021). Nieznane-zaginione i zapomniane rzeźby gotyckie z Wielkopolski . Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 83(1), 89–118.


Adam Socko 

Poznań, Instytut Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza Poland


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