Trompe l’œil in the Decoration of Alba Amicorum from circa 1750 to circa 1815 from the Collection of the Wrocław University Library

Anna Maja Michalska

Wrocław, University of Wrocław (Poland)


The article is an attempt at systemizing and interpreting trompe l'œil motifs and devices – from single objects shown as if resting on a page, through those altering the appearance of the page, such as folded page corners, up to still lifes – that constitute elements of book-of-friendship entries in one particular collection. Examples are used to show their relations with the entry text: illusionistic elements could illustrate, but also extend or complement it. It was particularly the quodlibet-type compositions that could allude to the book’s owner and the shared memories, forming as if a visual counterpart of ‘memorabilia’. The researched motifs do not always comply with all the criteria of trompe l’œil; they do, however, aspire to being illusionistic, additionally fulfilling well the tasks that are associated with books of friendship.

Supporting Agencies

Instytut Sztuki PAN


Books of friendship, alba amicorum, trompe-l'œil, quodlibet, 18th century, Silesia

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Cited by

Michalska, A. M. (2020). Trompe l’œil in the Decoration of Alba Amicorum from circa 1750 to circa 1815 from the Collection of the Wrocław University Library. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 82(2), 301–324.


Anna Maja Michalska 

Wrocław, University of Wrocław Poland


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