La Noble Simplicité: the Wrocław Residence of Frederic II Hohenzollern versus the Phenomenon of Rococo Classicizing

Arkadiusz Wojtyła

Wrocław, Instytut Historii Sztuki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Poland)


The restrained and dispassionate in its expression decoration of the interior of Frederick II’s Tract in Wrocław (1751–1753) did not, as previously believed, result from economizing, but constituted an inherent element in the process of Rococo classicizing, at the time also spreading throughout monarch’s native France. Representing the Enlightenment frame of mind, Frederick II appreciated Palladio’s architecture; the Wrocław facility’s architect and designer of its interior decoration Johann Boumann derived predilection for rational-form architecture from his native Netherlands, and the author of the sculpture decoration Johann Michel Hoppenhaupt had preference for symmetrical forms. Furthermore, masonic motifs appeared in the iconographic programme of the Tract’s Library. However, a broad margin for Rococo fantasy was reserved in some of the still lifes (Augustin Dubuisson) in overdoors and panneaux.

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Cited by

Wojtyła, A. (2020). La Noble Simplicité: the Wrocław Residence of Frederic II Hohenzollern versus the Phenomenon of Rococo Classicizing. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 82(2), 239–273.


Arkadiusz Wojtyła 

Wrocław, Instytut Historii Sztuki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski Poland


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