Aleksander Tansman on Modern Music in the Art Avant-Garde Magazine “Blok”

peer-reviewed article

Jolanta Guzy-Pasiak
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


Aleksander Tansman (1897–1986), a Polish composer and pianist classified as belonging to the neoclassicism in music, was resident in France from 1919 and wrote many texts on music for the Parisian monthly “La Revue musicale”. These texts have been exhaustively discussed in specialist literature; his journalistic legacy in Polish (apart from two articles in “Muzyka”), however, containing valuable reflections on the aesthetics and problems of compositional technique during a period of intense discussion and stylistic change in music in the 1920s, is not widely known. Materials published between 1923 and 1924 in art periodicals are the subject of consideration in this article. It is worth noting that in addition to several texts, the composer published in “Blok” the scores of two Nocturnes from 1922, hitherto considered lost.


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Cited by

Guzy-Pasiak, J. (2024). Aleksander Tansman on Modern Music in the Art Avant-Garde Magazine “Blok”. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 86(3), 137–150.


Jolanta Guzy-Pasiak
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

Jolanta Guzy-Pasiak PhD (habil.) works at the Department of Musicology in the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences; she is a member of the editorial board of the “Muzyka” quarterly and a member of the Editorial Councils at the bi-annual “Arti Musices” (Zagreb) and the annual “Lithuanian Musicology” (Vilnius). She is also a co-editor (together with Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska) of the publication series “Muzyka polska za granicą”. Her research interests focus on the issues in music of the first half of the 20th century, the output of Polish émigré composers, and the ideology of pan-Slavism in music.


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