Cinema – Technique, Movement, Abstraction. Texts Published in “Blok” in the Context of the Early Film Theory

peer-reviewed article

Małgorzata Radkiewicz
Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University (Poland)


The years 1924–1926, during which the magazine “Blok” was published, were a time of vigorous development of the early film theory, also in the milieu of the Bauhaus and the De Stijl group. By reading the texts printed in “Blok” through the lens of early reflection on cinema, it is possible to trace the concepts common to considerations of art and filmmaking, from technical, movement-related issues to the notion of abstract film. In addition to original and reprinted works, important material is provided by the works of Mieczysław Szczuka and Teresa Żarnowerówna published in “Blok”, which were an attempt at an individual interpretation of film phenomena and their construal by means of artistic techniques. Thanks to these texts, it is clear that the views on aesthetics, goals and tools of the avant-garde as presented in “Blok”, as well as the film theory of the time, all reflected the dynamics of technological transformations which influenced the artistic sphere and laid out new possibilities for expression.


“Blok. Czasopismo awangardy artystycznej”, cinema, movement, abstraction, avant-garde

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Cited by

Radkiewicz, M. (2024). Cinema – Technique, Movement, Abstraction. Texts Published in “Blok” in the Context of the Early Film Theory. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 86(3), 151–166.


Małgorzata Radkiewicz
Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University Poland

Małgorzata Radkiewicz – Professor at the Institute of Audiovisual Arts at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Her research concerns cultural identity and women’s work in the areas of film, photography, and the contemporary arts. An author of books Władczynie spojrzenia. Teoria filmu a praktyka reżyserek i artystek [Female Gaze: Film Theory and Practice of Women Directors and Artists] (2010), Modernistki o kinie. Kobiety w polskiej krytyce i publicystyce filmowej 1918–1939 [Women Modernists on Cinema: Women in Polish Film Criticism 1918–1939] (2016), Refleksje zza kamery. Reżyserki o kinie i formie filmowej [Reflections from behind Camera. Women Directors on Cinema and Film Form] (2022). She has published numerous articles in magazines, including “Camera Obscura”.


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