“Aucune résonance politique”. Polish Art Historians and Franco’s Spain, 1958–1973

non peer-reviewed article

Patricia García-Montón González

Universidad Complutense de Madrid / University of Warsaw (Spain)


The 23rd CIHA Congress, held in Granada in 1973, marked a turning point in the relationships between art historians who carried out their professional activity in the Polish People’s Republic and Franco’s Spain. First contacts began as early as the 1950s, thanks to Jan Białostocki and Lech Kalinowski’s trips to Madrid and Barcelona, among other cities, strengthened in the 1960s by the organisation of two exhibitions in Cracow and Poznań devoted to Spanish art. Nevertheless, the Granada congress became a new experience for the Polish delegation. This paper aims to delve into these contacts that have not been taken into consideration before, perhaps due to the “peripheral” position of both historiographies in the geography of the history of art history during the Cold War.

Supporting Agencies

Margarita Salas/ UCM, Spanish Ministry of Universities, Next Generation EU funds


transnational history of art history, academic geography, horizontal history, scholars, art historians’ networks, Polish People’s Republic, Franco’s Spain, Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA)

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Cited by

García-Montón González, P. (2024). “Aucune résonance politique”. Polish Art Historians and Franco’s Spain, 1958–1973. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 86(2), 187–205. https://doi.org/10.36744/bhs.1847


Patricia García-Montón González 
Universidad Complutense de Madrid / University of Warsaw Spain

Patricia García-Montón González is a Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellow/UCM and Affiliated Researcher at the University of Warsaw, where she carries out her project “A Geography of the Discipline. The Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art, 1945–1989” (AGeoHA). She holds a doctorate in Contemporary History from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) with a thesis on the Prado Museum during the 20th century. She has carried out funded stays at the University of Bologna, the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IH PAN) in Warsaw, or the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris (DFK). Her research focuses on museology and the (Western) history of art history. Currently, as a result of her interest in delving into the past of the discipline from a transnational perspective, she investigates art historians’ networks in Cold War Europe.


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