The "Virgin and Child" from the Church of St. Jacob in Toruń in the Light of Recent Research. A Contribution to the Study of the Local Artistic Activity in Toruń ca. 1400

peer-reviewed article

Juliusz Raczkowski
Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland)

Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska

Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń (Poland)


Against the background of the surviving paintings dating from the period under the rule of the Teutonic Order, the Virgin and Child from the church of St James in Toruń (now the Diocesan Museum in Toruń, inv. no. MDT-M-007) must be seen as a unique example of a Gothic panel painting, referring to the Bohemian Beautiful Style circa 1400. In specialist literature, it is dated to between 1430 and 1440 and is considered to be a compilatory work by a master settled in Prussia, who combined elements of Bohemian painting with artistic influences derived from the Netherlands (e.g. Rogier van der Weyden) or from Cologne. On the basis of recent  comparative research supported by analyses based on non-invasive methods (NIR, UV, XRF, dendrochronology based on macrophotography of annual growth rings), the painting must be recognised as produced in Toruń about 1410 (the felling of the tree dated to 1404, preparation of the support: at least +2 years). It bears clear features of Bohemian painting in its composition, style, technique of execution and overall impact, but it also shows a significant individual trait (in the details of iconography and costume, the depiction of figures, and technological details). It constitutes a document of the artistic activity in Toruń ca. 1400 and the religious needs of the local circles; it is also an important element in the history of the reception of the imagines de Praga in Central Europe.

Supporting Agencies

National Program for the Development of Humanities, project no 0122/NPRH6/H11/85/2018 (Inwentarz Sztuki Torunia, part 1: Dziedzictwo sakralne, zespół staromiejski).


Teutonic State in Prussia, Toruń, Gothic style, panel painting, Prague, painting in Bohemia, Bohemian Beautiful Style, 15th-century painting, painting in Toruń ca. 1400, non-invasive examination of artworks, dendrochronology

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Cited by

Raczkowski, J., & Jakubek-Raczkowska, M. (2023). The "Virgin and Child" from the Church of St. Jacob in Toruń in the Light of Recent Research. A Contribution to the Study of the Local Artistic Activity in Toruń ca. 1400. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 85(3), 5–46.


Juliusz Raczkowski
Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Poland

Juliusz Raczkowski is a historian of art, a professor of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, employed at its Faculty of Fine Arts. His research interests focus on the art of the Teutonic State in Prussia in the context of its semantics and its links with European art. He is particularly interested in the issues of research on the assessment and conservation of medieval artworks, as well as the study of materials applied therein, as analysed by means of, among others, the tools provided by non-invasive examination methods.


Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska 

Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń Poland

Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska is a historian of art, a professor of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, employed at its Faculty of Fine Arts. Her research focuses on Gothic art; her special scholarly interest is the post-Teutonic State region as seen against the background of European art and artistic phenomena in the late 14th and early 15th century. She researches the manuscript legacy of the Middle Ages, as well as the connections between the medieval art and religiosity.


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