“The Best Voyage Is One Restricted by Nothing”. The Reports of Jan Minorski and Edmund Goldzamt from their Journeys to the Other Side of the Iron Curtain in 1956

peer-reviewed article

Marek Czapelski

Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw (Poland)


In the period of Stalinism in Poland, Jan Minorski (1914–1980) and Edmund Goldzamt (1921–1990) were the most prominent promoters of Socialist Realism in architecture, and it is only as such that they were considered in earlier studies. This article is an attempt to critically analyse their accounts of the journeys they made to Western Europe at the time of the fundamental reorientation of official architectural discourse. International contacts, which had been very limited during the Stalinist era, were then resumed, and the “façade” (i.e. Socialist Realist) architecture began to be criticised. Of interest here are Minorski and Goldzamt’s attempts to reconcile their previously preached ideological message with the reality they had observed on the other side of the Iron Curtain in order to create a new narrative about contemporary architecture. These are probably the only such accounts by protagonists of Socialist Realism to have been published during the Thaw. Through their analysis, it will be possible to better recognise the phenomenon known as “Socialist Modernism”.


architects, Socialist Realism, Socialist Modernism, Edmund Goldzamt, Jan Minorski, accounts of journeys, People’s Republic of Poland

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Cited by

Czapelski, M. (2023). “The Best Voyage Is One Restricted by Nothing”. The Reports of Jan Minorski and Edmund Goldzamt from their Journeys to the Other Side of the Iron Curtain in 1956. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 85(2), 119–141. https://doi.org/10.36744/bhs.1491


Marek Czapelski 
Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw Poland

Marek Czapelski, PhD (habil.), an assistant professor at the Institute of Art History at the University of Warsaw. His research interests focus on modern architecture, especially 20th­century architecture. He has published several books and many scholarly articles on architecture and architectural life in the communist Poland and on the areas of contact between architecture and the political environment of the era, including Bohdan Pniewski. Warszawski architekt XX w. [Bohdan Pniewski. A 20th­century Warsaw architect] (2008), Architektura polskiego socrealizmu w Zachęcie [The architecture of Polish Socialist Realism in the Zachęta Gallery] (2016), Moduły i wieżowce. Polscy architekci wobec przemian w budownictwie mieszkaniowym 1956–1970 [Modules and tower blocks. Polish architects in the wake of changes in housing construction 1956–1970] (2018).


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