Elie Nadelman. Some Remarks and Additions

peer-reviewed article

Anna Wierzbicka

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


The article concerns the exhibitions and reception of the works of the Polish-Jewish sculptor Elie Nadelman, recognised especially in the United States of America, where he lived from 1914, and in Western Europe, above all in France, where he stayed in the years 1904–1914. The point of departure for the author’s analysis is the exhibition Elie Nadelman – polski prekursor Art Déco [Elie Nadelman – the Polish Precursor of Art Déco] in the Wejman Gallery in Warsaw (2022). The Warsaw exhibition brought to attention not only the sculptor himself, but also the promoter of his work, the art critic and art dealer Adolf Basler, born in Tarnów and active in France, who played a crucial role in acquainting the Polish, French and German public with Nadelman’s art. Nadelman’s oeuvre was commented upon by other contemporary journalists as well, whose texts are also discussed in the article.


Elie Nadelman, Adolf Basler, modern sculpture, art exhibitions, art criticism, art collecting

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Cited by

Wierzbicka, A. (2023). Elie Nadelman. Some Remarks and Additions. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 85(1), 145–184. https://doi.org/10.36744/bhs.1394


Anna Wierzbicka 
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

Anna Wierzbicka is an art historian, a professor at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Her research interests focus on the art of the first half of the twentieth century, particularly the artists and art critics active in Poland and abroad, especially in France. She has published many books and articles on these topics, including We Francji i w Polsce 1900–1939. Sztuka, jej historyczne uwarunkowania i odbiór w świetle krytyków polsko-francuskich (2009), as well as Świadectwa obecności. Polskie życie artystyczne we Francji 1900–1939, vol. 1–3 (2012, 2015, 2016).


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