A Recipe for a Church. Discussions on Contemporary Sacral Architecture in Poland in the 1980s

Wojciech Głowacki

Warszawa, Instytut Historii Sztuki UW (Poland)


In the 20th century, particularly after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), journalism gained essential impact on sacral architecture in Western Europe. Around that time criticism of sacral architecture in Poland was poorly developed, becoming important only as of around the mid-1970s. It was then that an unprecedented increase in the number of churches raised in Poland occurred, the phenomenon climaxing in the 1980s. The intensified construction efforts were accompanied by the development of architectural criticism. It was conducted at the time by designers, artists, investors, and theoreticians. The identified critical voices published in Poland reveal a rift between design demands raised by architects’ circles and the final forms of the erected churches.

  The authors of the discussed texts coincided in the recognition of an urgent need to raise many churches and in an unfavourable opinion on the majority of sacral construction projects in Poland. They argued as for the evaluation of the architecture’s formal language. Some defended Modernism, others were tempted to accept Post-Modernism, which was gradually gaining prominence. The regular benchmark for the debaters was the tradition of the Catholic Church and its building, and the concordance with it was one of the basic principles in designing a church. Critics also discussed architectural projects from Western countries wondering what the most appropriate forms for Polish churches involving reference to Polish heritage should be. In view of the construction projects implemented at the time what was of high importance were remarks made by the debaters on high spatial, aesthetical, and technological values which the church designs introduced into Poland’s native architectural landscape. Furthermore, the debaters did not fail to mention practical and technical aspects of sacral structures and the necessity to economize resources. What proved quite controversial was the churches’ furnishing and the quality of artworks placed inside

  However, despite many objections as for the quality of the erected churches, the future of sacral architecture loomed optimistic to the debaters in the Poland of the 1980s. The period was considered of breakthrough character. The herald of a positive transformation was seen in the church in Warsaw’s Ursynów District (Church of the Ascension, designed by Marek Budzyński, in cooperation with  Zbigniew Badowski and Piotr Wicha, 1982–1989). A peculiar conditioning of the designs, a symbolic importance of churches and their political impact made this sphere of architects’ activity different than the remaining ones of their work in Communist Poland. Polish debates on church architecture from the 1980s, much later than those conducted in Western Europe, also differed in the sense that they were more pragmatic than ideological.


architecture in Communist Poland (PRL), sacral architecture, Polish construction projects after 1945, the 1980s, architectural criticism, Vatican Council II, Catholic Church

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Cited by

Głowacki, W. (2022). A Recipe for a Church. Discussions on Contemporary Sacral Architecture in Poland in the 1980s. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 84(1), 171–198. https://doi.org/10.36744/bhs.1349


Wojciech Głowacki 
Warszawa, Instytut Historii Sztuki UW Poland


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