The Broken Genealogy of Feminist Art History. The Gallery at the District Board of the Women’s League (1967–1980) and Irena Huml’s Activity in Favour of Women Artists in the People’s Republic of Poland

peer-reviewed article

Wiktoria Szczupacka
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


The article constitutes the first presentation of the gallery at the District Board of the Women’s League (1967–1980) and the pro-women activity of its program director, Irena Huml. The discussion is set in the context of reflection on the genealogy of feminist art history in Poland, in particular the analyses of art in the People’s Republic of Poland following the political transformation, in which state initiatives on behalf of women were often overlooked or devalued, and if they were noticed, they were assessed as superficial or illusory. This was due not so much to the research carried out, but to the totalitarian paradigm dominating the Polish humanities at the time. Following new findings in the areas of history (Małgorzata Fidelis, Natalia Jarska) and sociology (Magdalena Grabowska) pertaining to the situation of women in the People’s Republic of Poland and the understanding of their pro-emancipation activity, the author postulates an in-depth look at the relationship of art. and art history with the state organisation for women, the Women’s League.


gallery at the District Board of the Women’s League, Irena Huml, emancipation of women in the People’s Republic of Poland, Women’s League, feminist art history in Poland, feminist genealogy

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Cited by

Szczupacka, W. (2024). The Broken Genealogy of Feminist Art History. The Gallery at the District Board of the Women’s League (1967–1980) and Irena Huml’s Activity in Favour of Women Artists in the People’s Republic of Poland. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 86(1), 153–174.


Wiktoria Szczupacka
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

Wiktoria Szczupacka is an art historian, a postgraduate student of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is working on her doctoral dissertation Awangarda, kobiety i praca w Warszawie lat 70. XX wieku, na przykładzie Galerii Foksal, Związku Polskich Artystów Fotografików oraz Pracowni Działań Dokumentacji i Upowszechniania [The Avant-garde, Women and Work in Warsaw during the 1970s on the Example of the Foksal Gallery, the Association of Polish Artists Photographers and the Studio for Activities, Documentation and Dissemination] under the supervision of Prof. Joanna M. Sosnowska PhD (habil.). In the years 2022–2023 she was employed at the Departament of the 20th and 21st Century Visual Arts Documentation at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She manages the Kulik-KwieKulik Foundation.


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