On Generosity: Remembering Ewa Guderian-Czaplińska (1962–2020)

Dobrochna Ratajczakowa

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)


The author pays tribute to Ewa Guderian-Czaplińska (1962–2020), a theatre scholar associated with the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań throughout her academic career. Guderian-Czaplińska's research focused on five recurring thematic areas: a synthetic and problem-oriented approach to the history of Polish theatre (especially comedy), the theatrical and critical activity of Polish emigration after 1939, the history of the interwar avant-garde, the history of theatre culture in Poznań, and the interpretation of Polish drama. This image of Guderian-Czaplińska’s work as a critic, eagerly and passionately engaging with current theatre, is complemented by a recollection of her activity as a juror in theatre competitions and student workshops. The author also shows Guderian-Czaplińska’s charisma as a researcher, analyses her approach to texts and performances, and emphasises the sharpness of her vision combined with dialogicality, as well as the multi-level and multi-plane character of her readings.


Ewa Guderian-Czaplińska

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Cited by

Ratajczakowa, D. (2020) “On Generosity: Remembering Ewa Guderian-Czaplińska (1962–2020)”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 69(1), pp. 193–204. doi: 10.36744/pt.245.


Dobrochna Ratajczakowa 

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Poland


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