Which «Socrates» Was Not Staged by Warsaw Actors for Lenartowicz in 1884?

peer-reviewed article

Marek Dybizbański

University of Opole, Poland (Poland)


Teofil Lenartowicz’s “dramatic poem” Sędziowie ateńscy (The Judges of Athens, 1895), eventually published after his death, not only took several years to write, but was also probably rewritten from scratch a number of times, under different titles (including Socrates). Some versions have survived in printed excerpts, others in manuscripts. One of the early redactions, different from the published text based on the last autograph, was the theater version prepared in 1884. The piece was not staged, for reasons that remain unclear. The copy retrieved from the theater is presently highly incomplete (with only one of five acts extant), but its text coincides with another surviving copy; based on the latter, the present article attempts a reconstruction of the performance, as designed by Lenartowicz. Attention has been paid to the stage design, metatheatrical devices, the unstable arrangement of the acts, and the relationship between word and gesture. The article also emphasises that both the theater project and the dramatic text differ strongly from the posthumously published version of the play.


Teofil Lenartowicz, «Socrates», Polish drama 1800–1900, Polish theater 1800–1900, manuscript

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Cited by

Dybizbański, M. (2022) “Which «Socrates» Was Not Staged by Warsaw Actors for Lenartowicz in 1884?”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 71(2), pp. 149–170. doi: 10.36744/pt.1026.


Marek Dybizbański 
University of Opole, Poland Poland

Marek Dybizbański - Associate Professor of Literary Studies at the Institute of Literary Studies of the University of Opole. His research interests include the Romantic literature, drama, and theater, the genetics of drama texts, nineteenth-century theater criticism, nineteenth-century popular culture. He published i.a.: Romantyczna futurologia (2005), Tragedia polska drugiej połowy XIX wieku - wzorce i odstępstwa (2009), Od epiki romantycznej do teatru science fiction (2016). He co-authored Mitoznawstwo porównawcze (2006), edited Myśl teatralna doby postyczniowej (2016), and co-edited Światy melancholii. W 500-lecie Melancolii Albrechta Dürera (1514-2014) (2016) i Mity założycielskie w literaturze XIX wieku (2018).



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