Transmissions from the Outer Topographies of Violence

The Cinematic Representations of the Drone Warfare and the Liminal Conceptualisation of Distance

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Sebastian Porzuczek
Doctoral School in the Humanities, Jagiellonian University (Poland)


The aim of this article is to present through film examples the visual aspects of drone warfare (within the context of visual culture) by focusing on: a) the aesthetics of the real-timedigital images of war and the machine vision (P. Virilio, J. Zylinska), b) the liminal, culturally unprecedented status of the perception of the drone operator (G. Chamayou), which the author interprets in relation to the concept of camera obscura (J. Crary), c) the forensic research(undertaken by Forensic Architecture) based on the visual reconstruction of traces of an act of armed aggression with emphasize on the inherently proliferative nature of images of violence. Furthermore, the complexity of the issue of drone warfare demands a reinterpretation of the traditionalconceptualization (attribution) of seeing from distance as emotionally indifferent.


drone warfare, liminality, distance, violence, machine vision, forensics, cinema

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Cited by

Porzuczek, S. (2025) “Transmissions from the Outer Topographies of Violence: The Cinematic Representations of the Drone Warfare and the Liminal Conceptualisation of Distance”, Konteksty, 347(4), pp. 169–176. doi: 10.36744/k.3218.


Sebastian Porzuczek
Doctoral School in the Humanities, Jagiellonian University Poland

Sebastian Porzuczek – magister filologii polskiej oraz filmoznawstwa i wiedzy o nowych mediach; doktorant w Szkole Doktorskiej Nauk Humanistycznych UJ; autor książki Mapowanie bólu. Lektura – Spojrzenie – Afekt; publikował na łamach między innymi „Wielogłosu” i „Tekstów Drugich”; obecnie prowadzi badania nad (re)prezentacjami antropogenicznych katastrof na gruncie kina i sztuki nowych mediów.


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