“It Isn’t Your Thing…”

Jewellery as a Form of Protest at the Time of the All-Poland Women’s Strike in 2016–2021

Anna Wiszniewska

Instytut Sztuki PAN (Poland)


The article concerns jewelry created during mass public protests related to the government's attempts to introduce a total ban on termination of pregnancy. The strikes that spread across the country were accompanied by jewelry almost from the very beginning. Created by artists, activists or committed users (on the so-called DIY basis), it has become a clear carrier of emotions and views. She expressed solidarity with the strikers using subtle allusions and a game of associations, while creating new symbols of the fight for women's rights, such as an umbrella and red lightning. Jewelry created in conditions of strong polarization of society can be analyzed in the context of "tribalism", which was written about by French sociologist Michel Maffesoli already in the 1980s. It also opens another chapter in the history of Polish patriotic and committed jewelry.

Supporting Agencies

Institute of Arts Polish Academy of Science


women strike, narrative jewellery, brooch, protest

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Cited by

Wiszniewska, A. (2025) “‘It Isn’t Your Thing…’: Jewellery as a Form of Protest at the Time of the All-Poland Women’s Strike in 2016–2021”, Konteksty, 347(4), pp. 251–258. doi: 10.36744/k.3162.


Anna Wiszniewska 
Instytut Sztuki PAN Poland

Anna Wiszniewska – historyczka sztuki i dizajnu, kuratorka i wykładowczyni akademicka, adiunktka w Pracowni Rzemiosła i Designu Instytutu Sztuki PAN w Warszawie, laureatka Nagrody im. prof. J. Łozińskiego (2017). Interesują ją badania z zakresu historii polskiego dizajnu i sztuki przedmiotu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem metaloplastyki, biżuterii, ceramiki  i  zabawkarstwa. Swoje zainteresowania naukowo-badawcze realizuje również jako kuratorka wystaw. Otwarta w 2019 roku w Muzeum Warszawy monograficzna wystawa spółdzielni ORNO, której była współkuratorką, podsumowała jej wieloletnie badania nad biżuterią powstałą w spółdzielniach Cepelii.


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