The Postcolonial Condition, the Decolonial Option, and the Post-socialist Intervention

Madina Tłostanowa
Linköping University (Sweden)


Postcoloniality should be regarded as a human condition, an existential situation, whereas decoloniality is an option, consciously chosen as a political, ethical, and epistemic positionality. Such an unconventional understanding of the terms “postcolonial” and “decolonial” allows to transcend the long-going rivalry and geopolitical divisions between the postcolonial studies and the decolonial option through the medium of the post-socialist and post-dependence optics and discourses. The post-socialist intervention launches a number of concepts necessary for the analysis of the post-socialist / postcolonial intersections. Among them, the imperial difference; the geopolitics and corpopolitics of knowledge, being, gender, and sensing; decolonial aesthesis; and the reversal of temporal directions in the post-Soviet context. Postcolonial discourse needs to be contextualized and eventually radicalized. It means a shift from the explanation of the other in the language understandable by the same to delinking from the rhetoric of modernity with its hidden colonial logic and tracing other genealogies of knowledge and activism and other ways of interpreting modernity / coloniality.


coloniality, decolonization, post-Socialism


Cited by

Tłostanowa, M. . (2024) “The Postcolonial Condition, the Decolonial Option, and the Post-socialist Intervention”, Konteksty, 343(4), pp. 159–165. doi: 10.36744/k.2568.


Madina Tłostanowa
Linköping University Sweden

Madina Tłostanowa – transdiasporyczna (czerkiesko-uzbecka) filozofka i pisarka, profesorka na Uniwersytecie w Linköping (Szwecja). Jej badania dotyczą teorii dekolonialnych i feministycznych, związków sztuki i polityki, problematyki związanej z obszarem postsowieckiem. Autorka wielu książek i artykułów, między innymi: Gender Epistemologies and Eurasian Borderlands (2010); Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections from Eurasia and the Americas (z Walterem Mignolo, 2012); Postcolonialism and Postsocialism in Fiction and Art: Resistance and Re-existence  (2017);  What Does it Mean to be Post-Soviet? Decolonial Art from the Ruins of the Soviet Empire (2018); A new Political Imagination. Making the Case (z Tonym Fry’em, 2020).


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