Paweł Althamer and Artur Żmijewski's (in)final paintings

Szymon Wróbel
Wydział "Artes Liberales" UW i IFiS PAN (Poland)


The presented text is a free interpretation of 32 montages "created" during the summer stay of Paweł Althamer and Artur Żmijewski in Kalisz at the Art Gallery. Jan Tarasin. The author calls the discussed series of collages "(non-)final Images". The author puts forward a thesis that the "assembly machine" called "Althamer-Żmijewski" successfully, but also perversely, combines work at two tables. One is the “dissection table” (table d’opération). The lexicon and encyclopedia of the modern world are born on this table. This is the “autopsy” table of our world. The second table allows us to see the image-montage at the moment of birth. The "midwife of life" works at this table, allowing us to track the birth moments of thoughts, the contractions of reality, i.e. images as they emerge. The midwife's table is not a "dissection table", but a "delivery table" (table d'accouchement). The two machines are friends just like Eros and Thanatos, life and death. However, at both tables, one and the same process takes place - the unraveling and re-stitching of the world.


Paweł Althamer, Artur Żmijewski, art, anthropology

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Cited by

Wróbel, S. (2024) “Paweł Althamer and Artur Żmijewski’s (in)final paintings”, Konteksty, 343(4), pp. 250–260. doi: 10.36744/k.2303.


Szymon Wróbel
Wydział "Artes Liberales" UW i IFiS PAN Poland

Szymon Wróbel – profesor filozofii na Wydziale Artes Liberales Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz w IFiS PAN. Jest autorem licznych książek i artykułów publikowanych w czasopismach naukowych, ostatnia to Filozof i terytorium poświęcona Warszawskiej Szkole Historyków Idei (2016). Pod jego redakcją, przy współpracy Krzysztofa Skoniecznego, ukazały się po angielsku dwie książki: Atheism Revisited. Rethinking Modernity and Inventing New Modes of Life (2020) oraz Living and Thinking in the Post-Digital World (2021). Obecnie jest kierownikiem Laboratorium Technohumanistyki na Wydziale Artes Liberales, gdzie od kilku lat realizuje projekt Technology and Socialization – Techno-Humanities Lab Research Project.


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