The Odyssey of a Diptych. Issues of Authorship and Provenience of the Virgen Dolorosa and the Cristo Coronado de Espinas from the Former Collection in Gołuchów
Oskar Rojewski
o.rojewski@gmail.comUniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach - Instituto Moll. Centro de Investigación de Pintura Flamenca (Hiszpania)
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez
Instituto Moll. Centro de Investigación de Pintura Flamenca - University of Burgos (Hiszpania)
This paper aims to gather all information about the diptych of Mater Dolorosa and Christ Crowned with Thorns, which until 2023 stayed in the Provincial Museum of Pontevedra (Museo Provincial de Pontevedra) in Spain. The research addresses two aspects of the diptych: the controversy of its attribution to a circle of Albrecht Bouts or his follower and the diptych’s arrival at the Provincial Museum of Pontevedra. This study explains that this diptych’s former attributions cannot be supported due to his style and the new research about Bout’s workshop practices. Finally, it gathers all the documentary sources about its arrival at the Pontevedra Museum.
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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach - Instituto Moll. Centro de Investigación de Pintura Flamenca Hiszpania
Ana Diéguez-RodríguezInstituto Moll. Centro de Investigación de Pintura Flamenca - University of Burgos Hiszpania
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez – holds a doctorate in Art History from the University of Santiago de Compostela. She was a fellow in the Museo Nacional del Prado and Museo Provincial de Pontevedra. She is currently the Director of the Instituto Moll. Centro de Investigación de Pintura Flamenca and a professor at the University of Burgos. She researches Flemish paintings and painters in Spain during the 16th and 17th century and the artistic, social, and commercial ties between the Low Countries and the Spanish Monarchy.
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