Summary of „Pamiętnik Teatralny” 1-4/2000


Grzegorz Janikowski

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


Overview of the Pamiętnik Teatralny 1-4/2000 content. This special issue re-explores the life and works of Jerzy Grotowski. The introductory part of the article recalls Jerzy Grotowski's early relationship with Pamiętnik Teatralny (a meeting in Opole in March 1963 and the editors' participation in a special ministerial committee in 1964). The author highligths the importance of the articles by Ludwik Flaszen and Zbigniew Raszewski published in Pamiętnik Teatralny 3/1964 in the theater milieu's defense of the 13 Rows Theatre  in 1964. The story of the work on this special issue devoted to Grotowski, which began 1998, is also outlined.



Jerzy Grotowski, cultural mobility of theater, The Laboratory Theatre

Flaszen, Ludwik. „«Dziady», «Kordian» i «Akropolis» w Teatrze 13 Rzędów. Pamiętnik Teatralny 13, z. 3 (1964): 220–234.
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Raszewski, Zbigniew. Teatr 13 Rzędów. Pamiętnik Teatralny 13, z. 3 (1964): 235–241.
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Cited by

Janikowski, G. (2000) “Summary of „Pamiętnik Teatralny” 1-4/2000 ”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 49(1/4), pp. 694–700. doi: 10.36744/pt.2501.


Grzegorz Janikowski 

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland


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