What is Poland? History in the Periphery
Dorota Sosnowska
de.sosnowska@uw.edu.plUniversity of Warsaw, Poland (Poland)
This text is a discussion of the book A History of Polish Theatre (Cambridge University Press, 2022)—a volume edited by Katarzyna Fazan, Michal Kobialka, and Bryce Lease, which covers the history of Polish theater from the Old Poland period to the present day. As an aside, the author offers a reflection on the categories of peripherality and Polishness constructed in the book, noting their connection to the historical experience of political transition and the binary East–West opposition that emerges within it. It also brings out the possibility of thinking differently about Polishness in some of the texts, which, however, still represents only a potential, perhaps to be exploited in further research on Polish theater.
history of Polish theater, historiography, political transition, peripheryReferences
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Google Scholar
Dorota Sosnowskade.sosnowska@uw.edu.pl
University of Warsaw, Poland Poland
Dorota Sosnowska - Assistant Professor of theater and performance studies at the Institute of Polish Culture of the University of Warsaw. Co-coordinates the work of the historiographical group within the International Federation for Theatre Research. Editor of the journal "View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture". Her research project "Odmieńcy: Performanse inności w polskiej kulturze transformacji" is financed by National Science Center grant. She authored Królowe PRL. Sceniczne wizerunki Ireny Eichlerówny, Niny Andrycz i Elżbiety Barszczewskiej jako modele kobiecości (2014), co-edited Robotnik. Performanse pamięci (2017), edited anthology Teatr dell'arte (2016), and co-authored Performanse pamięci w literaturach i sztukach (2020).
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