"D'un côté ou de l'autre"

Recto/verso relationship in Marcel Proust


Wojciech Michera

Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Poland)


Proust's world in Combray had only two sides: „For there were […] two sides [«côtés»] where we could go for our walks, and so diametrically opposed that we would actually leave the house by a different door, according to the side we had chosen [«d'un côté ou de l'autre»]: Méséglise-la-Vineuse side, which we called also Swann's way, […], and the Guermantes side”.  However, as is known, this famous passage from Proust's novel Du côté de chez Swann is not just about geography. In the image of the two sides, separated by an impossible distance, one can see the preview of the ideological and emotional plan of the whole cycle À la recherche du temps perdu. However, the peculiarity of this „mental topography” (the narrator says that it is “one of those mental distances that not only move away, but also separate and transfer to another plane”) allows us to see in it an example of a more general cognitive paradox. According to the author, behind this literary description, a certain conceptual model exists in which spatial relations – or phenomena described by spatial metaphors – are radically problematized. So, it's not about removing the distance between the two sides; on the contrary – the cognitive effort would aim to grasp this situation in its original tension and instability („recto/verso”), recognizing the oscillatory logic of the “phantasm” in the figure of walks d'un côté ou de l'autre, which – in Lacan’s words – “sustains the subject in its fundamental instability”.

The author analyses this problem of „undecidability” in Proust with many examples from In Search of Lost Time.


Marcel Proust, Méséglise and Guermantes, undecidability, recto/verso, dispositif

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Cited by

Michera, W. (2025) “‘D’un côté ou de l’autre’: Recto/verso relationship in Marcel Proust”, Konteksty, 347(4), pp. 3–20. doi: 10.36744/k.4005.


Wojciech Michera 
Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk Poland

Wojciech Michera – dr hab., emerytowany pracownik Instytutu Kultury Polskiej UW, członek redakcji
kwartalnika „Konteksty”. Zajmuje się teorią obrazu i narracji, kulturą wizualną, antropologią praktyk
pocztowych epoki modernizmu. Ostatnie publikacje: The postcard and its „short circuit” („Prace
Kulturoznawcze” 2023, t. 26, nr 4); Brakujące ogniwo w historii modernizmu: poczta („Konteksty” 2022,
nr 3); „Cras leges”. Pocztowe jutro („Konteksty” 2022, nr 1–2); O gorączce fotograficznego archiwum
Stefanii Gurdowej („Widok. Teorie i Praktyki Kultury Wizualnej” 2021, nr 29).


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