Who is Prepared for Genderization?

Cisgender as a Mechanism of an Uneven Distribution of Life Potentials


A reflection on the category of preparedness within the context of experiencing growing up and coming into contact with gender. With the contemporary trans theory as a point of departure the article analyses the way in which narrations making it possible for cis persons to prepare themselves for experiencing gender are constituted. The same narrations do not, however, include experiences of transsexuality, in particular medical transition. Although from a common-sense point of view this appears to be connected with a fundamental difference in the experiences of trans and cis persons, a closer analysis shows that preparing for gender is not so much a symptom of the trans/cis difference as one of the elements constituting the latter.


transgender, feminism, diversity

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Cited by

Szpilka, J. (2024) “ Who is Prepared for Genderization? Cisgender as a Mechanism of an Uneven Distribution of Life Potentials”, Konteksty, 346(3), pp. 169–172. doi: 10.36744/k.2917.


J Szpilka 
Uniwersytet SWPS Poland

J. Szpilka – kulturoznawczyni i literaturoznawczyni. Na Uniwersytecie SWPS prowadzi projekt badawczy o relacji transkobiecości do sadomasochizmu/BDSM. Autorka książki Gorset, wstyd i kocie uszka. O transkobiecości (2024).


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