Our publication ethics
“Konteksty” and its academic editors are committed to fair and professional dealing in all aspects of publishing operations. Our aim is to publish original work of value to the intellectual community in the best possible form. We aspire to these standards collaborating with our Scientific Council, reviewers and authors. We expect originality, honesty and fair conduct from our authors, and objectivity, fairness and confidentiality from our editors and reviewers. Our journal endorses the codes of conduct established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
– are accountable and for everything they prepare for publication;
– should make fair decisions independent of commercial considerations and should ensure an appropriate peer review process;
– should adopt editorial policies that encourage transparency;
– should guard the integrity of the published record by issuing corrections when needed and pursuing suspected research or publication misconduct;
– should pursue editorial and reviewer misconduct;
– should make it clear to authors and peer reviewers what is expected of them;
– should create and introduce policies for handling conflicts of interest.

– should submit texts based only on work that has been conducted in a responsible and ethical manner and that complies with relevant legislation;
– should present their results honestly and clearly, without falsification or data manipulation;
– should describe their research methods clearly and unambiguously;
– should submit only work that is original, is not plagiarized, and has not been published elsewhere;
– should ensure that the authorship accurately reflects individuals’ contributions to the work;
– should disclose relevant funding sources and any existing or potential conflicts of interest.