Władysław Hasior’s Urban Performances
Magdalena Figzał-Janikowska
magdalena.figzal@us.edu.plUniversity of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)
This article discusses the performative art of Władysław Hasior, particularly his actions in the urban space. Initially expressed only in his artworks, since the 1970s Hasior’s need for dialogue with the spectator took the form of very expressive artistic manifestations involving audience participation, direct involvement of spectators in the creation of the performative event, and abolition of the distance between the artist and society. Due to the ontological status of these events, their ephemeral and fleeting nature, they have been the least explored area of Hasior’s work. The article analyzes his most important urban and open-air performances, such as the Procesja sztandarów (Banner Procession) in Łącko (1973), Solspann in Södertälje (1973–1976), and finally the ceremonial Przeprowadzka (Move) from the dormitory of Antoni Kenar school of fine arts to a new atelier in Zakopane (1984). These actions are considered in the context of contemporary discussions on participatory art: Claire Bishop’s antagonistic theory of participation and Grant H. Kester’s concept of dialogical art. It is argued that Hasior’s performative projects combined two strategies of participatory art; he was able to co-create ephemeral works together with the audience, while at the same time directing the spectators’ actions.
Władysław Hasior, urban performance, participatory art, ephemeral action, site-specific artReferences
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Magdalena Figzał-Janikowskamagdalena.figzal@us.edu.pl
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
Magdalena Figzał-Janikowska - a theater and culture scholar with a PhD in humanities. Assistant professor at the Institute of Culture Studies of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Her research focuses on intermediality of contemporary theater, art performance, and stage music. She published Przestrzenie muzyczne w polskim teatrze współczesnym (Katowice, 2017), and co-edited Dramat i doświadczenie (Katowice, 2014) and Pisanie dla sceny – narracje współczesnego teatru (Katowice, 2019).
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